ピラミッドの真の目的:エネルギーソースとなるほか、大気汚染の浄化、放射能汚染の浄化も!Even a normal pyramid without any internal power energy engines as proposed above, will break up nuclear fall out, smog and pollution within a radius 50 miles of the pyramid depending on the size of the pyramid.  The pyramid may even cause nuclear fall out to gravitate to the pyramid to be broken up into harmless subatomic particles.

Cold Fusion Pyramid Power Principles

From my understanding the mass of the stone in a pyramid is intended to draw in the gravitational, nuclear, solar, and cosmic waves which get caught up in the sacred geometric angles of the pyramid by refraction and negative refraction, since pyramids are so massive and refractive, and the trapped solar and gravitational waves heat up the center of the pyramid naturally without need of a warm nuclear reaction.    If water and pumps which operate on the sympathetic vibration of vacuums created by steam, pressure vortexes created by pipes, and gravitational heat energies pulled in from the atmosphere, are placed in the center of the pyramid in the proper geometric proportions and law of squares element ratios, then the pyramid will cause the water to create cold hydrogen fusion naturally without any warm nuclear fission or warm fusion reaction.  The stone is not meant to block out nuclear radiation but collect natural gravitational radiation and create natural cold fusion, which then may be used as a power source to generate electricity, and as a means to radiate healthy gravitational and electrical magnetic energies into the atmosphere by means of steam and energy copper pipes to strengthen the ozone, and the lower atmosphere.   Natural noble elements such as xenon, and the ormus elements (Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Osmium, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Mercury) can be placed into the water in the pyramid to not only encourage cold fusion by means of chemical reaction but to also strengthen the atmosphere with the 4th dimensional elements that cause the body to heal and regenerate itself to create eternal life and perfect health.  A stronger atmosphere with a thicker ozone may cause the planet to spin faster by means of added magnetic and electrical energies from the pyramids needed to strengthen the atmosphere and repair ozone naturally, and place the planet in a better paradisical orbit.  The pyramids have to be placed in the proper places, and used at the proper times to synchronize the planet with the ideal and proper solar cycles.

Even a normal pyramid without any internal power energy engines as proposed above, will break up nuclear fall out, smog and pollution within a radius 50 miles of the pyramid depending on the size of the pyramid.  The pyramid may even cause nuclear fall out to gravitate to the pyramid to be broken up into harmless subatomic particles. This may be one reason why the Russians are placing pyramids in Russia, as the Russian pyramid web sites indicate at http://www.pyramidoflife.com/ and at http://www.gizapyramid.com/russian/picture-tour1.htm engineered by Alexander Golod, where the nuclear reaction  disaster occurred in Chernobyl, since the Pyramids will clean up the nuclear fall out, as you stated by breaking up the nuclear particles into smaller particles that are harmless, without the need of a nuclear reaction to create fusion to break up the particles.

In California, there is a great deal of smog, which the pyramids can clean up even without any pyramid power engines.  I have a friend who already has been working on the designs of the sympathetic vacuum pump that would fit perfectly in the pyramid as stated above to create cold fusion.  It may be difficult to get the business, scientific, and governmental community to accept the benefits of cold fusion presently due to greed and politics, so that we may only be able to just build the pyramid which simply cleans up normal sewage waste and smog in the atmosphere without the need for the internal pyramid power cold fusion engine, since the gravitational waves of the pyramid should be enough to clean up the smog and most waste products.

In a message dated 6/25/2003 6:25:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mediator@mint.ocn.ne.jp writes:

I put up your information on my web site, since Japanese people should know it as well.
I hope you don't mind this.

Please post the emails. I have posted them myself at www.rhfweb.com\newage. The more that know the better.  I also found this web link which discusses how to see small objects and thier spectroscopic signature with negative refraction and microcavities using 4 lasers, and silver fractal plates to amplify light which could also see gravitons, and be used to focus light to creat cold fusion:


Many citations for papers of V. A. Podolskiy, A. K. Sarychev,
and V. M. Shalaev are here:

An EE Times story about the 2001 work done at UCSD is here:

Chemical & Bioweapons detection system with penlights to sense chem spectroThe follow pdf link has an article on a government funded 3.2 mill dollar grant project with Lasys Inc. in New Mexico to develope a pen light sensor that can detect the chemical spectrograpic signature of any element including biological, chemical, and explosive wearpons by amplifying light with a microcavity and a fractal negative refractive index metal posted at

Baron Von Volsung, www.rhfweb.com\baron, Email: tom@rhfweb.com
President Thomas D. Clark, tom@rhfweb.com, www.rhfweb.com\personal
New Age Production's Inc., www.rhfweb.com\newage
Star Haven Community Services, at www.rhfweb.com\sh
Radiation Health Foundation Trust at www.rhfweb.com
