copy right November 5, 2002 by Masakazu Karita & Thomas Clark

Dear Mr. Thomas Clark,
I think photon belt is made up of full of graviton.  The sun has the transferring role of graviton from the black hole to the earth. Since the earth will go into the photon belt, from the polarized areas of the earth EMFs will disperse, the ionoshere will disperse as aurora occured in some part of Canada in1998 and the power went off for the whole day.  In other words, any equipment,  that makes use of polarization of emfs to emit electron, will malfunction since there will be no polarization of EMFs.  Since there will be no polarization on the earth, there will be no ionsphere and therefore the sun can no longer give the earth light and stays as a huge planet.  So there will be complete darkness that will last three days, then gradually graviton in the photon belt will start picking up dispersed electron and starts shining; thus, there will be always light shining that will last 2000 years.  So the whole globe will be full of graviton-electron shining situation instead of the only sun used to radiate the light and heat.  This graviton-electron situation is the fifth dimension.  Whatever you imagine with graviton will soon be connected with electron to make that image into the creation. The millenium means that situation. People can travel by beam light, do not have to eat since energy is always  full around them.  This photon belt situation has been recorded in almost all areas of the earth as legends.  In Japan there is an interesting story describing this phenomenon.The null zone time is just 5 or 6 days, after that your images will all come true since you have beautifully been describing the paradiscal world, in the millenium--the complete light shining world.  The riddle will be solved soon. What I have been working on with graviton or gravitonics will become effective up to the end of the null zone time. however, after that it will be no longer necessary.  I am sure then you will take the role of leadership to create the paradiscal world.Sincerely,Masakazu Karita


Dear Masakazu Karita :

I thought some more about your comments on the photon belt.  If more photons occur in Earths atmosphere due to the photon belt, then the ions or loose or free electrons may be less in number than the photons, and then the monopole photons will be more prevalent, and may encourage a monopole Earth, instead of a bipolar North and South poles caused by ions, and there may no longer  be a capacitor between the ground of Earth and the ion belt.  If there is no ion belt or no North and South poles on Earth, which takes away the polarity on Earth, then there would be not gravity either since the lack of polarity creates antigravity.    Earth may still have a North and South pole tuned to the solar system and galaxy as a whole even if Earth loses its own ion belt and poles, and Earth may then become like the moon, and have less gravity, to allow objects to levitate or float easily in Earths atmosphere like they do on the moon.

Here is another set of relations that I came up with, that you encouraged me to think about:

EMF Wave (Bipolar-Electron/Magnet)
Electon+/-(Bipolar)<>Light Wave with monopole Photon Particle of the Electron.
Manget+/-(Bipolar)<>Gravity Wave with monopole Graviton Particles of the magnet.
Photon\Graviton Polarity<>Antilight or Antimatter or AntiGravity wave with the monopole of the Anti-Graviton.

If the above relations are accurate, then photons are monopoles of bipolar electrons, and gravitons are monopoles of bipolar magnets. Monopoles of the bipolar relation of Graviton/Photon may be antigravity and antimatter?  Antimatter chemistry and antimatter chemical compounds may be based on the inverse ratio of the wave patterns of the protonic atomic numbers and ratios of each element, so that new antiprotonmatter and proton matter elements and compounds may be created from an antimatter periodic table which is the reverse image of the standard periodic table. These new antimatter elements and compounds mixed in the proper ratios with ordinary protonic matter and compounds may allow the properties of the monopole energies such as gravitons and photons to be placed into compounds, to give them unlimited energy and gravity wells, to allow the compounds to be an energy or gravity or antigravity generator similar to the Russian monopole crystals.

You also encourage me to develop a new set of light technologies, which may perform the same task as ordinary electrical components but use monopolar photons and gravitons instead of bipolar electromagnetic waves. Here are the light component ideas that I came up with:

Photonic components:

Photonic Light battery

Based on the relation of E=mc^2 a set of substances or chambers that may hold photons and produce photons when needed such as a complex prism may store light in bipolar light or photonic waves as alternating frequencies (HF/LF) or intensities Hot and Cold in the spectrum of light.  Alternating light frequencies in two different bandwidth materials such as crystals may make a light battery

Photonic Light gate and processors

Mirrors or alternating light frequencies HF/LF and intensities Hot/Cold which reflect different pulses of light in terms of length and frequency of the light pulse, to manipulate different light pulses and frequencies in a light bandwidth as logical 1 and 0, to allow for logical operations and processing of light energy, to store and manipulate light information as a light processor.

Photonic Light transistor

Alternating resonant light substances and light frequencies HF/LF and intensities Hot/Cold which may amplify light

Photonic light capacitor/memory

Alternating resonant light substances and light frequencies HF/LF and intensities Hot/Cold which may trap light for a while in a chamber, to store memory of light patterns or holographic patterns

Photonic light motor or power

Alternating resonant light substances and light frequencies and intensities HF/LF and Hot/Cold which may move a motor or object to create motion by creating different types of energy vortexes around an object.  Also by converting photons into heat (e=mc^2) then physical motion of an object or motor may be achieved.

Sound patterns created by intefearing scalar sound or radio waves in an atmosphere may also be used to capture light, direct and process light.


Baron Von Volsung,\baron
Thomas D. Clark\personal
