Thomas Clark's comment on Gravitonics Music

The gravitonics music sounds like music or the aether in a higher dimension, with wind, waves, and spirits singing in the background, like dolphins, whales, birds, light and sound formations in the aether.  The music is very healing to me, and refreshing as if the music tunes into the superlight unseen photon vital life force in the cosmos.   The music is of the very refined darker spiritual light which for us is unseen but can be heard, but very positive and joyful.  The music is very calm, peaceful, relaxing and eternal in sound, which is the way a higher dimension should be like.  I thought you may be interested in hearing this music.  I believe people who have spirits from the darker light realms may ascend into higher positive peaceful dimensional realms similar to this music in spiritual flow.  People who have lighter spirits like me, may ascend into a similar sounding positive higher dimensions but with lighter or brighter sounds.  And the people from both higher dimensions darker and lighter may meet in the higher dimensions, and experience each others positive dark and light dimensions in the higher dimensions in a neutral zone which fades from dark to light and light to dark. 

The difference between dark and light energies in the lower 3rd and 4th dimensions seems to be that they are more chaotic, less intense, and less refined.   As one moves into the more positive happy higher 5th and 6th dimensions, for the dark and light energies, these energies or spirits may become more intense, more fluid, relaxed, ordered, more eternal, and more peaceful and positive.  One could also move into the negative more violent higher 5th and 6th dimensions also, which may be faster, more digital, more intense, and more changeable, but also more rigid, violent, and chaotic.  The higher dimensions may be very similar to a dreamy world which can be both paradisiacal and nightmarish, depending on the dreamer. 

I also feel that the higher dimensions are not necessarily faster, warmer or hotter as most may think, due to higher frequencies.  I believe the superlight or the dark unseen photons, which represent dark space, have no real heat associated with them and may not be faster as we interpret speed.  The ocean may actually pick up more of the super light and unseen dark photons, since the ocean may be more tuned to these frequencies.  It is possible that higher dimensions may be slower, and cooler, even if the waves are faster.  An eternal paradisiacal realms time should be timeless or slower, calm and peaceful, so that time is imperceptible, or unnoticed, and changes in the environment from senses of hot and cold, happy and sad, should be very gradually and fall within a very normal range so that it is very peaceful and relaxing. 

I do not know if you saw the movie Crouching Tiger, which was a Chinese Martial Arts movie, but this movie showed, the ancient Chinese society in an older higher dimensional world I believe, which may be from the legends of the last photon age.
And I have seen some Japanese myths on TV with the Japanese martial artists floating around, in a higher dimensional world also, which may also be legends from the last photon age, when gravity was less and floating was more possible and life was more dreamy.

I would say that this gravitonics music you sent me matches the feeling I get when I see or feel Japanese spirits, which is very positive, peaceful, dreamy, higher dimensional, and refined, and sometimes dark or light depending on the person.  I would say that the Japanese spirit is more darker overall, but also more refined, older or richer, and higher dimensional than the Western spirit presently.   If the Western spirit were, where it should be, it would be very similar to Thomas Kinkaid paintings, which are lighter in color, but also very higher dimensional and richer in feeling.   But presently the Westerns spirit, is much lower in dimension, fading, and very digital due to the violent media, and popular fashions and trends, that were introduced from the third world countries, which took over our media in the USA, starting around the 1970's and more so around the mid 1990's.

Some of the Japanese anime cartoon movies, play songs with chants similar to your Gravitonics music.  You may also consider transferring some music similar to the Japanese anime music, which may be traditional folk music, to the gravitonics music also.   The original sounds and pictures of languages, such as Sanskrit, Hiburu, and older Asian scripts, may have 4th dimensional meanings in them if they are recited properly, and envisioned in the mind of the singer in the proper form, with the proper higher dimensional music being played from pipes, and drums, which may tune into the higher dimensional frequencies, to allow the person and cultures to ascend there more gradually and peacefully.
